Maximizing Your Federal Employee Retirement Benefits
You are cordially invited to a special virtual workshop!
This informative workshop is designed to help you better understand your federal benefits and begin preparing for retirement. We’ll cover FERS/CSRS eligibility requirements and annuity calculations, survivor benefits and how to draw income from your Thrift Savings Plan.
We will cover the following important topics:
- How to understand, then maximize your Federal Benefits.
- CSRS vs FERS and pension calculations.
- How Social Security works with federal retirements.
- TSP funds overview, TSP modernization act and options for those 59 1/2 over and retiring.
- The cost of your FEGLI, now and in retirement.
- Military buyback
- And more!
Register for our upcoming virtual workshop!
About Your Presenter
K. Shawn McCoy
President & Director of National Development
Shawn is an experienced seminar speaker and trainer who travels throughout the United States conducting workshops for employees of all agencies of the Federal Government to help them take advantage of the retirement, life, health, and other benefits provided to them by the U.S. Government. Over the last 8 years he has spoken to over 15,000 Federal Employees. Shawn also works closely with local financial advisors to provide additional resources and comprehensive training for those who want to enhance their knowledge of the Federal benefits programs.
Our areas of specialty include:
Civil Service Retirement System
Deposits and Redeposit
Military Service Buy Back
TSP Withdrawal Options
Survivor Benefit Options
Federal Employee Retirement System
Disability Insurance Coverage
Thrift Savings Plans
Windfall Elimination Provision
Retirement Package Counseling & Completion
Computation Retirement Annuity
Federal Employee Group Life Insurance
TSP In-Service Withdrawals
FERS Transfer
Lahn Simmons
BCJ Capital Management, LLC.
7440 South Creek Road, Suite 444
Sandy, UT 84093
Phone: (208) 407-6500